CPA Massachusetts

At Reservoir Church, we are eager to cooperate with others through CPA to leverage our partnerships for savings, supporting minority-owned businesses, and simplifying our administrative operations.
— Trecia Reavis, Executive Pastor, Reservoir Church of Cambridge MA

Program Offerings

CPA MA is a cooperative of 50+ community institutions pooling buying power to negotiate better rates and terms on services essential to nonprofits with facilities to manage. Though we are most active within the Route 128 beltway, we have successfully brought our programs as far west as Springfield and down the Cape.

CPA MA is part of broader community efforts for racial equity and for supporting the growth of cooperatives, as a member of local coalitions like: Greater Boston Interfaith Network, Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, Greater Boston Chamber of Cooperatives, the Coalition for Worker Ownership and Power, and the Massachusetts Solidarity Economy Network. These relationships weave us deeply into the body of work happening in our community to build an equitable city and state that celebrates difference.


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Board of Directors