Our Hiring Values:
The Community Purchasing Alliance recognizes that in the US, legacies of oppression are perpetuated through, among other things, hiring practices. White people, men, straight people, and wealthy people are given access and preferentially hired into well paying, high-esteemed jobs over people of color, women, trans people, queer people, disabled people, displaced people, and poor and working class people. CPA is committed to participating in socially just hiring practices that counter these pressures. Through this practice we strive to maintain a cooperative make-up which values and centers the voices of those who have been historically excluded from positions of leadership and power.
We make an intentional effort to encourage and recruit a diverse applicant pool with regard to race, ethnicity, sex, gender, religion, age, ability, size, sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, economic status, class background, language, nation of origin, and documentation status.
(Language adopted from www.aorta.coop)
Who we are:
The Community Purchasing Alliance is a social-purpose cooperative that leverages the buying power of community institutions to help lower operating costs, while also making investments in sustainability, worker equity, and community organizing. There are two ways to participate in the co-op (participants and members). Every organization begins as a participant but we hope that all participants become members as they see the value of the co-op.
Open Positions
Don’t see a position that fits? CPA is constantly growing so feel free to send us your resume at recruit@cpa.coop